R & R
Don’t get stuck in building a life that you don’t live in one
For so long I felt that resting was being lazy or something I had to earn from being busy. Why is it that whenever you ask anyone how they’ve been the response is normally some variation of ‘busy but good’ (me included!) like busy-ness is a badge of honour.
It really got me thinking:
Rest isn’t something we earn
Rest isn’t a privilege
Rest is a necessity
Rest is about honouring yourself and your boundaries
Rest is productive
I listened to the We Can Do Hard Things podcast with Glennon Doyle last week and it really got me thinking about rest and busy-ness.
It was talking about the word ‘quitting’. Quitting is loaded with such negative connotations, you lost, you gave up, you couldn’t cut it, to not stop, keep going at all costs.
Whereas actually the origin of the word quit comes from ‘quietest’ meaning to set free, to be free and clear and the other origin is to be calm and resting.
Little over 100 years ago we then started associating it with productivity and our worth interlinked with productivity particularly within the work place. It became if you quit, you lose. Rather than being free, clear and calm.
I guess what I am trying to say is you are worthy of taking time to look after yourself lovely. Not despite of or because of being busy. Just because. You are worthy of taking care of yourself