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Often as women we put up with or feel we have to endure many symptoms that are deemed common like painful periods, PMS, acne, low energy, low libido, cold extremities, stubborn weight around the middle, irregular cycles but just because they are common doesn’t mean they are normal or something you have to deal with particularly if it is impacting your quality of life.
From my own journey, I know how it feels to have our symptoms dismissed, told it's something that’s just part of being a woman or medicated with a range of contraceptives but I truly believe we all deserve to feel our best and have a right to feel at home in our body and nutrition has a big role to play in this, after all our hormones are made and regulated by the foods we eat.
Get your copy of the Period Repair Guide and take control of your hormones. You deserve it lovely.
Jessie x
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Want to feel more balanced, less mood swings, lose weight, reduce cravings and improve your skin?
Take charge of your hormones and give your body the tools it needs with this free eBook.
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