Testing FAQs
Do I need to add testing to my package?
If you are suffering from a range of symptoms such as bloating, low mood, painful irregular periods, cravings, irritability, weight gain that is hard to shift, poor sleep etc and you don’t have the answers you need. A test is often the missing link as to uncovering the root of what is going on to bring it back into balance
EVERYBODY is unique and a one-size-fits-all approach is not going to get to the bottom of what is going on for you and how best to support it. An individual approach means you no longer have to just manage symptoms but can get to the root cause and support your body with what it needs to rebalance quickly and effectively.
Often tests by the GP come back as ‘normal’ but your symptoms still remain and you don’t get the support or answers you are looking for. What we often find when we look at the results is that they have fallen into the ‘normal’ range, however at the very low end. And it’s these low levels that can be causing your symptoms. By using more detailed tests you can see the full range of your results. These more detailed tests help to determine OPTIMAL levels not ‘normal’ levels! That’s when you start looking, feeling, thinking and performing at your very best.
A personalised approach means you can take a much more targeted approach to what your body needs and have much quicker and more effective results.
What Tests?
Key Markers Blood Test:
Vitamin D
Vitamin B12
CRP (inflammation)
Ferritin (stored iron status)
These markers are so important because if any are out of balance or deficient, it can affect your hormones, gut and many other systems of your body and contribute to your symptoms.
Stool Test:
Using the most comprehensive and advanced on the market, it utilises cutting-edge technology to provide a true DNA-based assessment of a your gut microbiome from a single stool sample.
Key markers include;
Beneficial and pathogenic Bacteria (including H Pylori)
Yeast & Fungal markers
Parasites & Viruse
Enzyme status
Immune system marker
Zonulin (intestinal permeability marker)
This isn’t just useful if you have digestive issues such as IBS, boating, constipation, diarrhoea, flatulence, indigestion, acid reflux, pain or cramps. But also useful to understand the cause of symptoms such as migraines, fatigue, brain fog, feeling hungover, depression, anxiety, joint pain, cravings or unexplained weight gain.
Hormone Test:
Using the most precise and state of the art hormone urine test to gain and clear and comprehensive understanding of your current hormone situation
Oestrogen, Oestrone and Oestriol - your 3 Oestrogens, PLUS their metabolites
Progesterone & Metabolites
DHEA & Testosterone - your Androgens, and their metabolites
Cortisol and Cortisone - your STRESS hormones
Important to test in hormone driven conditions such as endometriosis, PCOS, PMS, heavy/painful/irregular periods, fibroids or struggling to conceive.
Full Thyroid Panel:
The Thyroid is often a key area that is overlooked when it comes too women’s health and hormone issues. There are several thyroid hormones and it is important to test all areas to get a full understanding of thyroid function. These include
TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone)
Free T4 (Thyroxine)
Free T3 (Triiodothyronine)
Antibodies - Thryoglobulin & TPO (Thyroid Peroxidase)
Why symptoms may suggest thyroid support is needed?
You have unresolved symptoms such as fatigue, weight gain, anxiety, depression, cold hands/feet, brain fog, memory loss, constipation, PMS, infertility, low libido, hair loss, poor nails, dry skin, joint pain, high cholesterol.
Your on medication but still having symptoms
You have been tested and fall in the ‘normal’ range but are still having symptoms